Den tohovedede lægmuskel (Gastrocnemius)
Den tohovedede lægmuskel hedder på latin gastrocnemius. Musklen laver plantarfleksion i ankelleddet, flexes the leg at the knee., og plantar flexes the foot.. Musklen er en del af fodledsstrækkere (plantarfleksorer).

Den tohovedede lægmuskel funktion
- Plantarfleksion i ankelleddet.
- Flexes the leg at the knee..
This means that the gastrocnemius muscle bends the leg at the knee joint such that there is a decrease in the angle between the lower leg and the upper leg.
- Plantar flexes the foot..
This means that the gastrocnemius muscle extends the ankle such that the angle between the top of the foot and the shin increases.
